Code of Conduct
- You cannot have an inappropriate username or blog content. If you apply for an account and input an inappropriate nickname your account will not be created. If you try to change your username to an inappropriate one we will make your account inactive for 1 day the first time, 2 days the second time, etc. each time you try to change your username or blog.
- You cannot submit inappropriate content through the forms. Submitting inappropriate content through the google forms will result in your account being deleted.
- Do not cheat. We have a way to know if you are cheating or not. If we find out or hear about someone cheating then the person cheating will have their stats reverted and will have an inactive account for 1 month for the first time, 5 months the second time, and an account deletion the 3rd time. If you cheat but it was SuperGames that made it cheating (or you cheated but it was not your fault), then your stats will be reverted but your account will still be active.
- Do not lie about your stats (that includes ranks on leaderboards, badges you have, etc). If you lie 1 time then your account will be inactive for 1 day, if you lie 2 times then your account will be inactive for 2 days, etc. If you say you're in a spot on the leaderboard that you are actually in but cheated to get there, your account will be deleted. If you lie and say you're lower then you actually are (say you're actually in 147th and you say you're in 10,000th) then you will get "I Am Bored" pasted all over your profile page for 1 week each time you lie in this specific way. This way other users will know what you've done.
- You cannot put personal information in your profile. We are very strict when it comes to personal info. SuperGames should be a place where gamers come together, compete with one another, and have a good time. SuperGames is not a social media platform. By putting personal info into your username/blog, you risk the chance of your identity being stolen, as well as SuperGames being taken down. We will kick you no questions asked if you do this because you are threatening the whole SuperGames website.
- There are some games in here that are cross-platform games. If you play in a different console other than Nintendo switch, as long as you have proof that you did it, and you fill out the form appropriately, it will count! This also works if you play on someone else's Nintendo Switch.
- Do not submit content through the forms unless it is what the form was intended to do. Example: submitting nothing (just going in to the form and just submitting without filling anything out). Doing this will result in temporary suspension for 3 days the first time, 7 days the second time, 12 days the third time, 18 days the fourth time, and so on (increasing by a larger number each time).
- Don't use inappropriate words in your video if you have commentary in your video. If you have any, your stats will not get updated and you will get an inactive account for 1 hour each time you do this. If you edit it out, or don't say the full word (like "fuh"), then it is fine. If you do full on say it and it gets into SuperGames then your account will get deleted. It is also fine to not do commentary at all.
- You will see in the Apply Now Page it asks you to put in a username and an email. We ask for this information so we can know we are recieving specific data from an actual person for each SuperGames user and because you will be able to use that email to:
- Vote on potential updates
- Ask questions
- Request stat updates
- Suggest ideas
- Report bugs
- Recieve important info/updates about SuperGames
We reccomend putting in an email.
Remember, by creating an account, you agree to all these terms and the punishments for breaking them.