For gamers that demand more

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Welcome to SuperGames!

SuperGames is a place for gamers that demand more than just what video games can provide. There are leaderboards to climb and badges to earn by completing in-game activities. Just join and try it out. If you are a gamer, I guarantee you will like it. Know that you will need an active Nintendo Switch Online Play membership to achieve certain badges.

Idea by: Epicrafter
Features by: Epicrafter, Jacksondbf, and Woodmarxer.
Code by: Epicrafter and Sillypantscoder.
Final Product code by: Sillypantscoder.

About SuperGames

There are two types of leaderboards: regular and specialty.

On regular leaderboards, there are eight badges you can earn: Novice, Vassal, Apprentice, Prospect, Artisan, Expert, Master, and Ultimate Master. Each badge has a value, and if you get a score equal to or higher than that value, you get the badge!

On specialty leaderboards, there are no badges to earn, but you can still compete with your scores!

In addition, there are four modes that leaderboards can have: Lowest time, Highest time, Lowest score, and Highest score.

On a lowest-is-best leaderboard, someone who gets the lowest score will be on top, as opposed to a highest-is-best leaderboard, where someone with the highest score will be considered the best.

On a score leaderboard, your scores will be displayed as simple numbers, while on a timeleaderboard, you will need to enter a time instead of a score.

Version 4.0.2